The other day I came across a sign on a bridge I frequent: "Don't feed the pigeons, they're vermin". This startled me, and made me sad as there was just another sign across the way saying: "Don't feed the birds" with less aggression.
Vermin is classified as an animal that spreads disease and in essence is a pest and over populated.
People don't ever think, why are pigeons, or any animal for that matter, over populated? Could it be because humans have spread like "vermin" themselves and took over the natural order of things (i.e. taking over land, pushing out bigger animals who hunt pigeons and other animals)?
Also, people frequently complain about pigeons ruining statues and architecture, but in fact, is it their fault - no.
Birds need a place to sit, sleep and poop just like any other living thing. So why get angry at an animal that is just doing what comes naturally and trying to survive just like everything else.
So why single out and channel hate towards an innocent animal? Why is a pigeon vermin and all other birds not?
If people wish to get technical, look in the mirror.
Then maybe you will look at the world differently the next time you call something vermin.